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Shark Care Cookies!!
Published on Apr 17, 2018 15:04

Dear Parents,
Our Social Justice Club is doing wonderful things this year.  They are creating a "Milk Bag" sleeping mat for underprivileged countries, as well, they are raising some funds to protect sharks through FIN FREE. FIN FREE is a global campaign addressing a very real issue: the mass slaughter of sharks to supply a growing consumer demand for shark fin. 
This week the Social Justice Club is taking orders for Shark Care Cookies.  Students can order a Shark Care Cookie on Wednesday and Thursday, at lunch time, for $1 each.  They pay a loonie when they order, and then their cookies will be delivered to them on Friday.  100% of the funds raised will be sent to FIN FREE on behalf of the Social Justice Club of St. Jean de Brebeuf.
Yours in Faith,
J. Murphy